English : Today I prepared for you mini reviews of two products, which I received from e-shop Návrat k prírode. For this time I decided to try regenerating shampoo with argan oil from cosmetics and hemp peeled seeds. If you are interested in these products, then continue below :)
Cestovné balenie obnovujúceho šampónu s argánovým olejom : Tento produkt som zvažovala niekoľko týždňov, pretože prírodné šampóny sú najlepšie. Predtým som skúšala viacero šampónov s arganovým olejom a skoro každý mi padol dobre. Výnimkou nie je ani tento šampón, ktorý obsahuje aj tekvicový olej a má výrazne obnocujúce účinky. Má jemne bylinkovú vôňu a vodnatejšie zloženie.
Balenie mi vydržalo 6-7 umytí, keďže mám dlhé vlasy. Žehličku ani kulmu na vlasy už dávno nepoužívam, no keďže si vlasy z času na čas farbím, viackrát denne češem a mám ich jemné, obnovenie a posilnenie im neuškodilo, ba priam s nimi urobilo zázraky ! Vlasy boli o čosi pevnejšie, lesklejšie, hydratované. Účinkuje aj proti lupinám. Takže všetkým slečnám či ženám, ktoré stále tápu v tom, či skúsiť alebo nie, odkazujem skúste, a zamilujete si ho ! :)
English : Travel kit of regenerating shampoo with argan oil : This product I considered a few weeks, because a natural shampoos are the best. Before this, I tried several shampoos with argan oil and almost each of them was good for me. An exception is not neither this shampoo, which contains pumpkin oil too and it has significant recovering effects. It has a herb smell and hydrous composition.
I used this shampoo for 6-7 times, because I have a long hair. I don´t use a hair straightener neither a hair curler for a long time, but I dye my hair with chemical colours, I brush them more times per day and they are soft, a regenation and repair don´t harm them. Hair were more strong, more glossy, more hydrated. It works against a dandruff too. So I refer to every lady and woman, which still don´t know if it is worth it, try it and you will love it ! :)
English : Hemp seeds peeled : I also peeked for these seeds and I wanted to taste them. They have so many beneficial effects for human organism. They contain many of vitamins and omega acids. A taste and a smell of seeds, is like a taste and a smell of sunflower seeds. I tried them once, because a few days after that, I have so many pimples on my face :( But my family like them very much. They are really delicious and I would like to consume them again, but I won´t risk it anymore. Do you have any experience with the hemp seeds ? :)
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