Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 10, 2014


Dnes sme mali rodinnú oslavu mojich 18. narodenín. Z postele som vstala okolo 11-stej, pretože mi bolo čudne, mala som čudný pocit .. A oslavovať po niečej smrti je predsa len divné, no nechcela som to rušiť na poslednú chvíľu. Najedla som sa všeličoho - či už obložených mís alebo torty a budúci štvrtok plánujeme s mamčou dámsku jazdu po Meste. Konečne opäť len my dve ♥

English : Today I had a family celebration of my 18th birthday. I got up about 11 o´clock, because I felt strange, I had a strange feeling .. And a celebrating after someone´s death is a little bit weird, but I did not want to cancel it at last moment. I ate everything - garnished dishes or a cake and a next week we are going to city for shopping with my mom. Finally just we ♥

* dress *

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