Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 12, 2014

❄ Christmas DM Box ❄

Ahojte zlatíčka.
Dnes som bola nútená ísť do mesta, pretože som si šla po lieky od kožnej. S maminou sme sa rozhodli zájsť aj do DM-ka, pretože tam nedávno prebehla súťaž o vianočné DM boxy. Vôbec som nečakala, že práve ja budem jedna z tých, ktoré tento box vyhrajú. Doplácala som (iba) 5€ a cena balíčka bola tuším okolo 18€. Našla som tam plno zaujímavých produktov a vy sa môžete tešiť na plno nových recenzií v novom roku :)

English : Hello sweeties. Today I was at the doctor, because I ran out of a medicine. We were also in DM drugstore with mom, because I won the one of these christmas DM boxes. I did not expect it at all. I paid just 5€ and a price of the box was something about 18€. There were so many interesting products and you can look forward to many new reviews after new year :)

Colgate Maximum Cavity Protection

Bio mixture of roasted seeds and beans in a bio sauce

Schauma - Nutritious nectar care

Soft toothbrush by Profimed with this amazing design

Garnier Mineral Invisible 48 h.

Balea body lotion with a shea butter

Baby Lips SPF 20 protective lip balm

Shower gel with Rhubarb and strawberry

I bought also a concealer by Alverde because my consealer by Bioderma just ran out of :)

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