Prajem pekný deň slečny. Dnes som si pre vás pripravila akýsi porovnávací článok čo sa balzámov na pery týka. Porovnávať budem balzám na pery od značky EOS a od značky Hurraw!. Obe tieto balzámy na tento účel sprostredkoval e-shop Balzamshop, ktorému veľmi pekne ďakujem :)
Okrem balzámov na pery e-shop ponúka tiež EOS krémy na ruky a balzámy na pery od značky Burt´s Bees. Zasiela aj na Slovensko :)
English : Wish you a nice day, ladies. Today I´m gonna tell you something about two lip balms - about EOS one and about Hurraw! one. Both of them I have from a Balzamshop and I want to say thanks to this e-shop, because it sponsored this article. Besides the lip balms, e-shop also offers hand creams by EOS and lip balms by Burt´s Bees.
English : Wish you a nice day, ladies. Today I´m gonna tell you something about two lip balms - about EOS one and about Hurraw! one. Both of them I have from a Balzamshop and I want to say thanks to this e-shop, because it sponsored this article. Besides the lip balms, e-shop also offers hand creams by EOS and lip balms by Burt´s Bees.
I was really happy that I got another EOS lip balm. The first red one I won in the "fejsbúk"´s giveaway. You could have also seen it in my lipstick collection article. The pink one has a Strawberry Sorbet flavor and it has a sweet penetrating scent, like strawberries. It contains shea butter and jojoba oil for everyday hydration. It´s 100% natural and 95% organic. It doesn´t contain any parabens, gluten, artificial colorings and neither vaseline ! At the beginning it´s a little bit hard to apply it, but after some time it goes easily. A little quantity is enough for the several hours hydration. I love EOSes especially for their hydration and delicious scents. They force you to bite your lips, haha.
Hurraw! poznám dlhšie, no doteraz som od nich nemala žiaden balzám na pery. Značka ponúka pestrý výber produktov, ktoré ma zaujali hlavne vďaka svojim názvom, ktoré obsahujú samé chutné veci. Tak napríklad, tento oranžový je v príchuti Grapefruit a vonia ako pravý grep. Aj z tohto produktu som bola celá bez seba. Na jeho výrobu sa používajú kvalitné suroviny. Produkt je raw, vegánsky a dokonca bezlepkový. Nie sú testované na zvieratách, neobsahujú GMO a ani iné živočíšne či ropné zložky. I keď na perách zanecháva lahodnú vôňu a v balení je ho naozaj dosť, veľmi ma neohúril. V čase keď mi došiel, moje pery boli suchšie, a tak som sa rozhodla ho vyskúšať. Čo sa týka hydratácie, zázraky nečakajte, a to ani po nanesení niekoľkých vrstiev. A ďalšia vec, ktorá mi na ňom trošku prekáža je to, že na perách veľmi dlho nevydrží.
I´ve known this brand for a long time but I haven´t had anything by Hurraw! Brand offers a varied selection of products, which took my attention especially for their tasty names. I was also happy when I got this one. The orange one which I have has a grapefruit flavor. It smells like a real grapefruit. For its production are used good raw materials. Product is raw, vegan and gluten-free. They aren´t tested on animals, they don´t contain GMO and others animal or oil component. Even if it leaves delicious scent on your lips, it didn´t impress me very much. When I got it I had really dry lips so I wanted to try it. If you want something which has a really good hydration, don´t buy this lip balm. It doesn´t hydrate very much neither after several layers. Also another thing is that this lip balm doesn´t hold on your lips very long.
I´ve known this brand for a long time but I haven´t had anything by Hurraw! Brand offers a varied selection of products, which took my attention especially for their tasty names. I was also happy when I got this one. The orange one which I have has a grapefruit flavor. It smells like a real grapefruit. For its production are used good raw materials. Product is raw, vegan and gluten-free. They aren´t tested on animals, they don´t contain GMO and others animal or oil component. Even if it leaves delicious scent on your lips, it didn´t impress me very much. When I got it I had really dry lips so I wanted to try it. If you want something which has a really good hydration, don´t buy this lip balm. It doesn´t hydrate very much neither after several layers. Also another thing is that this lip balm doesn´t hold on your lips very long.
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