Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 12, 2014

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Ahojte zlatíčka,

po troch rokoch cvičenia doma som sa konečne dokopala do fitka. Dala som si do tela s Maťou a musím povedať, že sme si toho dali dosť. Začali sme 5 minútovým kardiom a postupovali vrámci celého tela odhora až nadol. Zakončili sme to 15 minútovým kardiom a tyčinkami. Ona proteínovou a ja musli, no popri cvičení som popíjala túto neskutočne chutnú vodu, ktorú som si zakúpila vo fitku. Strávili sme tam dokopy tuším dve hodiny. Plánujem aj naďalej cvičiť doma, no taktiež by som chcela začať chodiť do fitka na začiatok aspoň 1 deň v týždni :) Chodíte do fitka ? Páči sa vám tam ? :)

English : Hello sweeties, after the three years when I was working out just at home, I finally tried a gym. I was working out with Martina and I must say, that we were working out very hard. We started with 5 minute cardio and after it we were exercising every part of our bodies. We finished this workout with 15 minute cardio and with protein bars. She had a protein one, I had a musli one, but during the workout I was drinking super tasty water, which I bought at the gym. We spent there 2 hours. I am going to work out at home again, but I plan to go to the gym at least 1 day per week :)
Do you go to the gym ?  Do you like it ? :)


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