po recenziách a článkoch iného zamerania, som konečne urobila koláže s obrázkami, ktoré mi tento mesiac padli do oka. Či už sa jedná o miesta alebo kvety. Nájdete tam všetko, čo sa mi tento mesiac zapáčilo, čo ma potešilo a čo ma priviedlo na iné myšlienky. Viac inšpirácie nájdete na mojom Tumblri :) A vypočujte si určite aj song od Motionless In White - Break The Cycle ♥
English : Hello sweeties. After some reviews and another articles I finally made the collages with pictures and photos, which took my heart. Ever if there are places or flowers. You can find there everything, what I like, what pleased me and what brought me to other thoughts. For more inspiration look on my Tumblr account :) And also listen to a song by Motionless In White - Break The Cycle ♥
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